Child Rights Governance

23 Aug 2016

Since 2014, Naba’a, in partnership with the municipalities and popular committees, has been working on mainstreaming Child Rights Governance (CRG) at local and national levels in 7 Lebanese areas.  These include the Ghobairi Municipality, Wavel with Baalbeck Municipality, Nahr el-Bared camp with Mohammara Municipality, Beddawi camp with Beddawi Municipality, Ein El Hilweh with Saida Municipality, Burj Shemali Camp with Burj Shemali Municipality and Mieh w Mieh Camp with Mieh w Mieh Municipality. The project focuses on the following activities:


  • Forming Child Led Data Collection groups (CLDC) to collect the required data with regards to children living under the jurisdiction of the 7 municipalities and the 6 popular committees in the North of Lebanon, Beirut, Sidon and Beqaa.
  • Enhancing the skills of the municipalities and the popular committee’s members in terms of Child Protection and providing benchmarks for child friendly spaces.
  • Providing children’s researchers, partners and other stakeholders with the tools to plan and implement an advocacy campaign.