The “Association for Development Action Without Borders - Nabaa” implemented a project to distribute food rations that benefited 722 of the most vulnerable and marginalized families in accordance with the standards of the World Food Organization, within the framework of the “ Shabake 2” project, which aims to enhance the flexibility of civil society institutions in Lebanon from In order to improve crisis prevention and management.
The families targeted by the project consist of elderly individuals, female breadwinners, pregnant and breastfeeding women, individuals suffering from chronic diseases, and individuals with strong determination.
Data indicate that the “Nabaa Association” project aims, in addition to distributing food rations, to improve the living conditions of families and prevent crises in light of the difficult conditions that Lebanon is witnessing at all levels. Pointing out that the project to distribute food rations to 722 families was implemented as follows: 265 families in Sidon Al-Balad (the old city), 277 families in Ain al-Hilweh camp, 118 families in al-Taamir, and 62 families in Mieh Mieh camp. Thus, the number of beneficiaries of the project reached 3,241 individuals of Lebanese and Palestinian nationalities and immigrants over a period of three months. Nabaa points out that the “Shabaka 2” project is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Crisis and Support Center (CDCS) and is implemented by the French General Agency for International Technical Cooperation (Expertise France).