discussing the legal issues and problems in which addicted patients are suffering in their legal files

18 Oct 2017

Developmental Action without Borders / Naba’a in partnership with NGOs Platform of Saida and Civil Council against Addiction conducted a meeting as a part of the project under the title of “safe cultural and social centers free of drugs” funded by Dutch embassy.

The meeting was held on Wednesday 18/10/2017 at the training hall of Saida Municipality as well as it was residing on discussing the legal issues and problems that have been faced by addicted patients in their legal files.

The outcomes recommendations of the meeting:

1 - Considering unemployment as the cause of several problems, including unemployment and poverty experienced by young people.

2. Encouraging volunteerism

3. Establishment of vocational training centers projects

4. Awareness activities in schools

5. Encouraging and activating various sports activities

6. Establish an incubator environment for the patients who use it

7. Compel UNRWA to intervene in this area.