Project "For her dignity – health, food and protection against violence for women and girls in Lebanon 2023-2025

Project " For her dignity" The project's activities contribute to a more dignified life of more than 1700 Syrian and Palestinian refugee women and marginalized Lebanese women through individual and gr......

Wahda: Understanding the impact of youth dialogue in Lebanon

Wahda is implemented by Developmental Action without Borders / Naba’a and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (US......

YEP Project

YEP Project: This project, through the capacity building of two local partners, aims to improve the social, economic, and psychological situation of young victims of the Beirut exhibitions. It ......

An awareness publication

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Shelter self-improvement for Palestinian Refugees affected directly by the armed clashes in Hay Tiri

In the framework of Shelter self-improvement for Palestinian Refugees affected directly by the armed clashes in Hay Tiri and the adjacent areas (777) project, that will be implemented by Developmental......

Strengthening Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

The Syrian refugee crisis has resulted in massive population displacement and a vast need for humanitarian . The impact on the mental health and well-being of displaced persons is significant and will......

Youth Led Initiatives in Saida

Responding to the needs, the project will target the most marginalized young and adolescents.

Remedial Education

The increase in number of Palestinian Children from Syria enrolled in the UNRWA schools was dealt with by UNRWA through hiring additional teachers and combining two main modalities of education’s deli......

Wider Spaces – Wider Opportunities

Unemployment within the families particularly within Palestinian refugees, leads to hopelessness among the young people; due to the lack of financial means, families are not able afford the costs for ......

Youth Empowerment Project

The project is supporting one of the main strategic objectives of Naba’a "Support children and youth at risk of abuse and school drop-out"

Child Rights Governance

Since 2014, Naba’a has been working on mainstreaming Child Rights Governance (CRG) at the local and national levels, in 7 Lebanese areas in partnership with the municipalities

Reproductive Health

Responding to the needs of the community, reproductive health was largely based on a model of integrating reproductive health services with the health advice, counseling and health promotion

Anti – Drugs Social Educational Centers

There are many problems that lead the individual falls in the drug problem beyond the individual reasons, there are problems regarding the nature of the family, the community, the disintegration, and ......

Manara Network (Child Rights Network)

Manara Network was established in 2009 by regional partners who are active Arab civil society organizations in the Child rights field